What are the shipping rates?
To see a list of all shipping rates, click here.
What to do if my package is lost?
Valtriq is not responsible for any lost, missing or damaged items. After sending the purchased item the responsibility of the item is in hands of the carrier.
Which courier will ship my package?
We always send via PostNL. If you want your package to be schippid with a different courier, please contact our staff.
Do you also offer shipping abroad and what are the costs?
We currently deliver to the following countries: The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Poland, Great Britain and the United States. To see a list of the shipping rates for each country, click here.
When can I expect my package at home?
Once we have sent your package, we will provide a track and trace code to the customer if available. You can usually expect your package to arrive within 14 days. We only produce your garment when you order it. This way we never have overproduction, which is better for the environment.

©Valtriq, 2024
All rights reserved. All content, including text, images, and graphics, is the property of Valtriq and may not be reproduced or used without permission.